Are you ready to halt the hackers?

We have dedicated a lot of time to helping you learn more about site security with interesting content; pointing out actionable tips you can apply in just a few clicks.

We now want to check on your progress and make sure your website is fully equipped and safe from hackers.

As a IT Services and Develop provider, obsessed with security, we cover a lot of essential security features so you don’t have to.
Still, there are a few things left that only you can do!

We invite you to go over the checklist with the most important security features available on our platform and enable the ones you haven’t yet.

Building and maintaining a strong website security is a constant process that often gets neglected by website owners due to its complexity, time consumption and cost.
 As a IT Services and Develop provider, we know better.
 Over 13 years of experience in hosting, maintaining and securing thousands of websites has taught us that website security is absolutely critical for every online business. We have seen the devastating consequences a hack can have on a website and ultimately on a business, and we have dedicated serious efforts to preventing and minimising the effects of hack attempts. 

During the years, we have optimized the security of our platform by developing sophisticated security systems, introducing a variety of security tools, plugins and features, and constantly analysing and monitoring traffic and patterns to recognise potential threats. While all of this has made us one of the most secure and trusted web hosting providers in the world, we know that platform security on its own, is not enough. The involvement of webmasters and site owners is just as important for properly securing a website. That is why we have compiled a list of the most essential security features you can enable that can make the difference between a hacked website and a peace of mind.


Today an SSL is absolutely essential for every website.
An SSL certificate encrypts the connection between your visitors’ browsers and your website’s server so that the data transmitted between the two, such as personal information, credit card data, login credentials or else, cannot be hijacked by hackers. 

If you have a business website or you’re processing online payments, you may consider our premium Wildcard certificates that come with $10,000 underwritten warranty and a dynamic site seal to create credibility and trust among your visitors.


Protect your login

Your login credentials are a gateway to your account and personal information (and when talking about websites, to your domain, site and emails, too). There are several things you can do to ensure that your login credentials are safe and secure, and only you or the people you have authorized have access to your website:

Harden Your Passwords

Despite all the awareness created nowadays about weak passwords and the importance of never sharing login credentials with anyone, one of the most common credentials hacking is through guessing or brute-forcing easy-to-crack passwords. Having a long password, consisting of multiple characters and combination of words, letters, numbers and symbols is an easy and super effective way to keep your accounts secure. Remember to use different passwords for different sites and apps, and never share your passwords with anyone, nor write them on publicly accessible places like post-it notes on your computer! 

Use 2-factor authentication

Regardless how hard your password is, there’s still a possibility for a hacker to get to it through a brute-force attack, virus, malware or other. With 2-factor authentication enabled, a secondary step needs to be passed by anyone attempting to access your data. 2FA adds another layer of authentication, usually through a temporary dynamically generated code (accessible only from your phone or email, depending on the settings), which cannot be guessed or hacked and makes your login defense bulletproof!


Monitor your website

Scan for malware regularly

There are numerous ways a website may get infected with malware – through compromised login credentials, infected or fake plugins and themes, corrupted software and more. Malware can have a serious impact on your site and online business. The best prevention for it is a secure web hosting platform and constant monitoring.

If you’re a Dream Orange customer, you can activate Site Scanner – a service that crawls your website on a daily basis and notifies you of potential malware and other threats. 

Block suspicious traffic

There are cases where only the person managing a site can notice specific patterns or suspicious activity. We have provided easy-to-use powerful tools for blocking specific IP addresses or whole countries, enabling our customers to control who’s accessing their website and prevent unwanted visitors.


Back up your site regularly

While backups don’t protect you from hackers directly, they keep you safe from other unexpected events – a site update that may have gone wrong, an infected site that has to be reverted to a clean version and any other situation where a copy of your website is all you need to bring it back online. We know how often backups can save an otherwise dire situation, so we do automated daily backups of all sites hosted with us and keep them for up to 30 days. You can easily restore your website, files or databases for free in just a few clicks.
