
12 benefits of having your own Digital Card

In the business world it is said that “There are no second chances for a great first impression” … And you know what? It’s totally true!

Looking good with a new prospect or with clients is crucial when developing as a company or brand, so the first impressions we give to them will always be influential in their perception of you.

At Dream Orange we have produced many Digital Cards for all our clients and we have seen how they have managed to get great impressions by getting the most out of them.

That is why this time, we not only want to talk to you about these 12 benefits that we have compiled for you, but in turn we want to talk to you about our service, which is such a powerful tool that it will have a positive impact on your business.

We present you the benefits of requesting your Digital Card!

N ° 1 You will never run out
By creating them digitally, you will always have them at your fingertips so that you never miss the opportunity to strengthen a new professional relationship with your new clients.

N ° 2 Surprise your client
Show that your brand is fully up-to-date with trends and technological innovations and surprise any new person who knows you and your brand.


N ° 3 They will not mistreat each other
Conventional cards over time deteriorate and lose quality, which makes you have to buy more, but with a digital card you will avoid this annoying inconvenience.


N ° 4 Access to catalogs and services
Another excellent advantage you have when redesigning the way you present yourself with digital cards is that you can create a download button for your catalog of products and services to share with your customers.


N ° 5 Super easy to share
A digital card can be easily shared, since you only have to show your QR code or send the link of your card to your client through WhatsApp.


N ° 6 They will locate you quickly.
Within the design of your Digital Business Card, you can have access links to Google Maps, which will show the location of your office or establishment almost instantly.


N ° 7 They will always be with you.
You will never forget to bring your business cards, because they will always be with you on your cell phone.


N ° 8 Your Social Networks
The Digital Business Cards that we develop at have an access link to all the social networks of your brand no matter what platform you use.


N ° 9 Show your experience
If you are an independent professional, the Digital Card will help you expose all biography and employment information with just one click.


N ° 10 Quick contact with you
Our Digital Cards also have a button with which your prospects and new clients can contact you by WhatsApp.


N ° 11 Contact Phone
Another excellent and practical benefit is that users who receive your Digital Card will be able to register your contact telephone number in their cell phone book at the touch of a button.


N ° 12 You take care of the Planet!
Conventional business cards tend to pollute the planet with their materials, but with a Digital Card you will be supporting the care of our world.

At Dream Orange we are very aware that people do not remember us by what we say, but by what we transmit when we meet and this effect is applied to digital cards.

With we have been able to verify with each of our satisfied customers that the surprise is instantaneous when they see this innovative way of making themselves known.

Ready to further digitize your brand and set trends? Contact us!

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